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L. Ron Hubbard's Lectures 1959-05 6th London Advanced Clinical Course

1959-05 6th London Advanced Clinical Course Hot

November 09, 2012    
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Lecture Details

L. Ron Hubbard

6th London Advanced Clinical Course

May -- June 1959, 15 lectures

Just prior to the Theta Clear Congress in Washington, DC, Ron held this ACC in London and laid out for UK Scientologists the means for broad scale co-auditing. This was the HAS Co-audit, whereby those with little training in Scientology could still begin receiving and giving auditing using simple procedures under the guidance of a more trained auditor. This made it possible for many many people to begin auditing. Also in this ACC, Ron described Theta Clearing in full, including different case types and the processes to resolve them. The primary factors involved were communication, control, havingness, help and handling withholds.

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