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L. Ron Hubbard's Lectures 1955-10 4th London Advanced Clinical Course

1955-10 4th London Advanced Clinical Course Hot

November 04, 2012    
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Lecture Details

L. Ron Hubbard

4th London Advanced Clinical Course
October--November 1955, 50 lectures.

Ron's research of the period centered around the postulates made by the being and the importance of rehabilitating the thetan's ability to not-know, which is essential to his return to native state. Not-know is the first postulate the thetan makes and when this becomes "automatic" the being becomes trapped. The principle of confusion and the stable datum is thoroughly addressed for the first time, which makes possible the handling of confusions across the dynamics. Also announced is the importance of Locational Processing in restoring sufficient terminals for the person to communicate to, a necessary aspect in providing enough havingness to permit exteriorization.

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