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L. Ron Hubbard's Lectures 1958-02 19th American Advanced Clinical Course

1958-02 19th American Advanced Clinical Course Hot

November 08, 2012    
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Lecture Details

L. Ron Hubbard

19th American Advanced Clinical Course (released earlier as Restoration of Knowing Cause)

January -- February 1958, 40 lectures

Ron determined that there were four distinct universes involved with making a Clear: the universe of the thetan, of the mind, or the body and the physical universe itself. This series gives a complete overview of the principles behind his research on this subject. As well, once a being was cause over these four universe, one had the definition of OT. From the viewpoint expressed in these lectures, LRH declared that auditors will be considered senior to Clears because they make Clears. He further declared that trained OTs would be considered the ablest and most powerful beings in the universe.


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