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Independent Centers The Dror Center

The Dror Center Hot

November 16, 2012    
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The Dror Center of Haifa Israel was the first advanced org (an org delivering the OT levels) in the Middle East and was the first full-service organization of Scientology to defect as a group by declaring independence from the corruption, abuse and criminality of the Church of Scientology. Today they deliver Standard Tech — training and auditing — from the bottom of the Bridge to full OT in Hebrew, Arabic, Russian, and English. The Dror Center is run by Dani and Tami Lemberger, Scientologists since 1980 who started in San Francisco.

The Village Voice broke the story of their independence, Israel Awakens by Tony Ortega.

Plan a vacation to Israel to move up the Bridge to New OT VII at the Dror Center. Contribute to the expansion of the first full service organization (Dror can and does audit to Clear and train to Class V Grad and above) to declare INDEPENDENCE.


SOURCE – L. Ron Hubbard

Dror Center was established in 1992, in Haifa, Israel, to make it possible for every individual to fully realize their own great potential.

The Dror Center provides study and personal counseling to help people obtain personal and business efficiency, improved relationships, lively communication between parents and children and a better understanding of life.

Dror delivers the full Scientology Bridge as developed by Ron Hubbard. This includes introductory auditing, the Purification Rundown and the Grades 0-IV. They also deliver New Era Dianetics auditing to the State of Clear and the Clear Certainty Rundown. Other actions such as the False Purpose Rundown remove barriers and boost abilities in specific areas of life. Dror is one of few places providing the full OT Levels, all the way up to Solo New Era Dianetics for OT’s (New OT VII).

In their Academy they deliver all ‘Life Improvement’ courses to new public for immediate life betterment. They train professional auditors in their Academy up to Class IX (an expert in delivering the Advanced Levels).

All services at Dror are delivered by their skilled staff keeping things working within the boundaries of the fundamental principles of Scientology just like Ron would expect of us.

All their services can be done in English, Hebrew or Russian.

For additional information, please visit them at or call at: 972-4-8672788.

Staff of Dror Center


Aviv Bershadsky, Auditor and Case Supervisor, In Charge of Advanced Levels Course Room

Aviv joined Dror Center in 1998, during his military service. After completion of several introductory courses Aviv decided to become a professional auditor. He left for Saint Hill, England where he trained as a Class IV auditor and continued at other top Scientology organizations in Israel and abroad. Aviv says, "Being an auditor is the most satisfying profession for me. My goal in life is to make people happy, able and self aware. At Dror, I can see daily the results of my work. We now deliver the full Bridge. It is my challenge to get you through Solo NOTs, so you too can achieve the state of Cause over Life".


Dima Dubinin, Class IV auditor, In Charge of Purification Rundown

Dima arrived at Dror in 1996 while he was a high school student. Dima did much training and auditing at Dror and at age 19 decided to join staff. He has since done extensive training in Israel and the US. "I always wanted to help people. At Dror I have many hats, I am an auditor, course supervisor and Purification Rundown in charge. Dror is the ideal place for me because only here can I make it possible for my friends to achieve higher spiritual awareness."


Carmela Weizman, Registrar and Auditor

Carmela has been on Dror staff since 1997. She did her training at SDror and in Tel Aviv. "Throughout the years at Dror Center I helped numerous people improve various areas of their life. I am in charge of interviewing new public who arrive here and directing them to the proper service they need. I am expert at marriage counseling, assisting children with their difficulties at school and at home, application of study technology and using tools of personal ethics to enhance life. I am very satisfied with what I do because I contribute to my environment."


Moti Weizman, Finance and Administration

Moti joined Dror in 2006 after being a staff member in the Tel Aviv Scientology Org for 6 years. "Dror is my home. I met my wife here. At Dror I witness ability gains made routinely. Without financial viability we could not survive, so I make sure the finances, computer systems and administration operate smoothly. I am proud to be a member of Dror."


Dani Lemberger, General Manager

Dani has extensive training in various technologies such as management, ethics, course supervision and as an auditor. Prior to Scientology, Dani studied Economics and has an MBA degree.

Tami and Dani started doing Scientology in San Francisco in 1980. They moved steadily up the Bridge in training and auditing and have both completed Solo NOTs.

They founded Dror Center in 1992 and since then it has steadily expanded and became was one of the largest Missions within the Church of Scientology. Dror Center left the church in 2012. Dani explains, “We had to leave following our observation of gross out-tech and illegal activities conducted by church management. Dror has as its purpose to preserve Ron’s Tech and to become a leading organization for delivery of the whole Bridge. Here you can train and we will help you become a professional auditor. You can receive auditing and go up the Bridge to full OT.”


Tami Lemberger, Senior Case Supervisor and OT Review Auditor

Tami began studying Scientology in 1980 and soon decided to become a professional auditor. Tami has trained extensively and became a Flag-interned Grad V Auditor and has completed Solo NOTs.
Since leaving the church Tami continued her training and is now an OT Review Auditor. Tami says, "My goal, when I founded Dror Center, was to deliver LRH technology throughout the Middle East. I am thrilled that we are achieving this goal daily. My satisfaction in life derives from the changes in the life of my preclears."


Shahar Soref, Director of Marketing

Shahar arrived at Dror Center in 2007 and decided at once to become a staff member. Shahar tells us, "After many years of search for an applied philosophy, I finally arrived at the right place. In Dror Center I can change myself and the entire world."


Don Schaul, Director of Qualifications and Class V Auditor & C/S

Don arrived at Dror in 2001. After basic training at Dror, Don continued his Scientology studies in Israel and abroad. Don was a staff member at Malmo Organization, Sweden, for 3 years. Don says, "I had been around some organizations worldwide. I decided to join Dror because here I can apply totally standard and accurate technology."

Since July 2012 Dror Center is not affiliated to the Church of Scientology.

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