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Independent Auditors Gayle Smith

Gayle Smith Hot

November 07, 2012    
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Auditor Details

Auditor Class
  • Class VI
  • Case Supervisor

I'm a Class VI auditor/CS. I was a staff member for 18 years holding the Senior C/S post for 8 of those in Philadelphia where I got on the Bridge in '85.  I trained at Flag in the 80s as a cramming officer interning as a word clearer, supervisor and then cramming officer to complete that training.  I returned to Flag in the 90s and did my Class VI C/S training. 

In 2005 I completed up through New OT V.  I've never been known to be a meek, silent follower.  This quality not only made me the longest lasting Snr C/S in Philadelphia org history but it made me a great big target for the witch hunts of the 2000s.  In retrospect the truth that I've found about not only the lack of Scientology used by d.m. and international management but the suppression of it would never have been looked at had I not been the recipient of one of the now-so-common kangaroo justice ambushes. 

Thanks to the internet, Steve's site, Marty's site and Tony and thanks to people like Mike, Christie, Paul, Jackie, John and Candice and thanks to Debbie for being who I always knew her to be and so many others now who I've met and who have taken their lives back I charged up my meters and organized my life to be back in the chair and Ivory Tower.  I'm again working at what I have done better than anything because I love it.  Want to go in session? need a [Life] repair?  Your grades?  Not sure what's next? Are you an auditor and you want to get back in the chair?  Do you want to do some meter and procedure drills to sharpen up before taking the plunge to get back in the chair?  Are you a bit overwhelmed at how to reconstruct a case with no pc folders available?  Do you need a Snr CS program for your pc?  Do you need help through the admin stages of auditing pcs in the field?  I can help. 

I charge $100-$300 an hour for my services.  I will consider all bartering offers and am very generous with my time.  The 80-120 hour work weeks for years on end along with all that this cost to the rest of my life to get this knowledge and then apply it IS what demonstrated that I want you to have this tech and use it to make your world and thereby the lives of those you touch a happier place to be. 

Do you have questions? email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Skype request me at gaylerst in Florida.

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