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Training Services Life Orientation Course

Life Orientation Course Hot

October 15, 2012    
2.9 (5)
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The Scientology Life Orientation course was designed to help people sort out the meaning of their individual lives – or as L. Ron Hubbard explained it, to find his or her ‘hat’ (function) in life. From there Life Orientation Course helps delivers all the tools to successfully produce the products one wants to produce.

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Average user rating from: 5 user(s)

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Makes life easier 
3.0  (5)
Worth the investment 
2.8  (5)
Easy to do 
2.8  (5)
Usefulness of information 
3.0  (5)
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For me this course - the way it was delivered in the suppressive/suppressed environment of the HGB (Hollywood Guarantee Building) in L.A. was the turning point from good to bad.

This course would have been wonderful, if it was accompanied with the original LRH
Ethics Repair List:
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Reviewed by Heiner November 13, 2012
Top 100 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (2)

LOC - Hat in Life or Post on Org Board ?!?!?

For me this course - the way it was delivered in the suppressive/suppressed environment of the HGB (Hollywood Guarantee Building) in L.A. was the turning point from good to bad.

This course would have been wonderful, if it was accompanied with the original LRH
Ethics Repair List:

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Independent Scientologist

Pros and Cons (optional)

The study of the Org Board and the clay demoing were nevertheless interessting and useful.
But the O/W, RPEC and Hat-Finding-part were just about hell to me.
One was supposed to THINK through the RPEC part and wasn't allowed
to DO the steps in the physical universe!
OW's over and over and over for weeks - but with no real relief.
Hat in Life?? ...well, how about becoming a "Professional Ethics Particle"...?
To me, this course IS NOT COMPLETE in its current form.
I am certain, that this course should be flanked by the "Ethics Repair List".

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I loved this course for several reasons. The first part was incredible. In doing clay demos on the 8 dynamics, I had an absolute blow-out cognition when I did a clay demo of the 8th Dynamic, and Infinity. In that moment, I could see and understand how I was one small part of Infinity, and Infinity was in me. Alas, my major realization did not get acknowledged. But in that state, when approaching the end of the course, and how it was designed to make one bound and enslaved to corporate Scientology, I could see the agenda clearly, and even laughed at what they had tried to pull on us. I was on staff at the time, and this course inspired me to leave the insanity of staff, and all the outpoints (crazy instructions) that would come down to us from Int (International headquarters) and route off staff. Not quite the outcome I think they wanted. :)
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Reviewed by eagle November 11, 2012
Top 10 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (23)

I confess - I LOVED LOC, despite the agenda behind it

I loved this course for several reasons. The first part was incredible. In doing clay demos on the 8 dynamics, I had an absolute blow-out cognition when I did a clay demo of the 8th Dynamic, and Infinity. In that moment, I could see and understand how I was one small part of Infinity, and Infinity was in me. Alas, my major realization did not get acknowledged. But in that state, when approaching the end of the course, and how it was designed to make one bound and enslaved to corporate Scientology, I could see the agenda clearly, and even laughed at what they had tried to pull on us. I was on staff at the time, and this course inspired me to leave the insanity of staff, and all the outpoints (crazy instructions) that would come down to us from Int (International headquarters) and route off staff. Not quite the outcome I think they wanted. :)

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It helps one assess ones span of activity in life very nicely, and can be a very useful took in reasessing direction, or reprioritising time to projects.
Hahaha! The hidden corporate Scientology agenda. :) It was designed to make one want to be on staff, or invest more time in some or other corporate Scientology activity. I would not recommend the last part of it, but the first parts were wonderful.

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My experience on this course was very negative. I know others found it very helpful. But I was a staff member. And I had known my intention was to be a staff member for 5 years (in my youth), and then move on to other things. But this course is intended to help you sort out your purpose in life.

If you do this course as a staff member, you are told how to sort this out AS A STAFF MEMBER. This means that you apply all of the purposes that you are given. I completely rejected this. This was my life I was supposed to be sorting out and someone was telling me how I had to do it. I ended up quitting the course and later quitting "Church of Scientology".

I am still a Scientologist, though NOT in the corporate world, as an Independent/FreeZone Scientologist. So my negative experience here did not stop me from enjoying many of the other great gifts in Scientology. But I can see how many would leave the practice all together if they'd had my experience. Perhaps it will one day be offered without the hand of upper management of the corporate world altering a person's purpose.
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Reviewed by 2briancox November 10, 2012
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (8)

LOC has 2 faces in the Corporate Scientology world.

My experience on this course was very negative. I know others found it very helpful. But I was a staff member. And I had known my intention was to be a staff member for 5 years (in my youth), and then move on to other things. But this course is intended to help you sort out your purpose in life.

If you do this course as a staff member, you are told how to sort this out AS A STAFF MEMBER. This means that you apply all of the purposes that you are given. I completely rejected this. This was my life I was supposed to be sorting out and someone was telling me how I had to do it. I ended up quitting the course and later quitting "Church of Scientology".

I am still a Scientologist, though NOT in the corporate world, as an Independent/FreeZone Scientologist. So my negative experience here did not stop me from enjoying many of the other great gifts in Scientology. But I can see how many would leave the practice all together if they'd had my experience. Perhaps it will one day be offered without the hand of upper management of the corporate world altering a person's purpose.

Where I stand

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Independent Scientologist

Pros and Cons (optional)

There are helpful tools to sort out your life.
As delivered in the Corporate Scientology world, staff members on this course get a very different course than the public.

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I did this at ITO around 1992 after the Key To Life Course. It didn't take too long (only months), but was not at all interesting to do and I don't feel I got anything out of it at all beyond the ability to now get on with other auditing/training cycles. The big problem at the time was the "hat in life" bit, as you would get something like the guy who had been Toilet Cleaning I/C for two years "realizing" that he really wanted to be a rock singer and trying to route off staff. So they changed it to be that your "hat in life" was your actual post or some sort of BS like that. Now, outside the CofS, it will probably be very different to that, but I cannot imagine doing it being worthwhile in terms of the effort needed to properly M9 everything with a twin. If the Indie course checksheet just skips all the M9, then studying the issues normally and doing the drills (although skip the overkill O/Ws by Department!) might turn out to be viable.
Overall rating 
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Worth the investment 
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Reviewed by Paul Adams November 10, 2012
#1 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (47)

LOC needs a very different checksheet from the CofS one

I did this at ITO around 1992 after the Key To Life Course. It didn't take too long (only months), but was not at all interesting to do and I don't feel I got anything out of it at all beyond the ability to now get on with other auditing/training cycles. The big problem at the time was the "hat in life" bit, as you would get something like the guy who had been Toilet Cleaning I/C for two years "realizing" that he really wanted to be a rock singer and trying to route off staff. So they changed it to be that your "hat in life" was your actual post or some sort of BS like that. Now, outside the CofS, it will probably be very different to that, but I cannot imagine doing it being worthwhile in terms of the effort needed to properly M9 everything with a twin. If the Indie course checksheet just skips all the M9, then studying the issues normally and doing the drills (although skip the overkill O/Ws by Department!) might turn out to be viable.

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Pros and Cons (optional)

Contains some admin-type issues that one might not be familiar with and might find useful. Working out one's hat in life after doing a 21-dept analysis of one's own life might well be useful.
Overlong if M9'd, with too much O/W write-up and a possible real problem over the "hat in life" one comes up with.

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Having finished the Key to Life Course in the 1990's, my next step was the Life Orientation Course. This was an incredible training cycle for me because it aligned many random vectors into what I discovered to be my "Hat in Life." As with the Key to Life Course, this was a fairly long course on a part time schedule. But it also presented the materials in a very nice order to help me, the student, understand and apply them.

Near the end of the course, I knew my "Hat in Life." It came to me instantly and I fully understood/accepted it. There was absolutely no hesitation. And, with that, I was done!

Since that time so many years ago, my interests and activities align with that "Hat in Life" as a result of taking the Life Orientation Course. I've never been the same ...
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Usefulness of information 
Reviewed by TheWidowDenk November 09, 2012
Top 10 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (21)

Thank goodness for the Life Orientation Course!

Having finished the Key to Life Course in the 1990's, my next step was the Life Orientation Course. This was an incredible training cycle for me because it aligned many random vectors into what I discovered to be my "Hat in Life." As with the Key to Life Course, this was a fairly long course on a part time schedule. But it also presented the materials in a very nice order to help me, the student, understand and apply them.

Near the end of the course, I knew my "Hat in Life." It came to me instantly and I fully understood/accepted it. There was absolutely no hesitation. And, with that, I was done!

Since that time so many years ago, my interests and activities align with that "Hat in Life" as a result of taking the Life Orientation Course. I've never been the same ...

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Independent Scientologist

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