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Training Services Class VIII Auditor Course

Class VIII Auditor Course Hot

October 14, 2012    
5.0 (1)
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At Class VIII all power of the vast technical resources of Scientology is concentrated into a relatively few essentials. The highest standards of application are reinforced again and again until the student applies them with invariable precision. 19 Class VIII lectures are studied three times each to reach the the highest possible understanding. A Class VIII auditor is able to handle any case with Class VIII procedures, processes and corrective actions.

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5.0  (1)
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5.0  (1)
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5.0  (1)
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The Original Class VIII course was given by LRH in 1968.

Since then, it has been widely altered for reasons only known to those of ill intent. Hence,who knows what Class VIII course was offered when one of us took it?

I was fortunate; in 1988 AOLA had the 'Original Class VIII Project' which was to reincarnate the exact Class VIII course LRH taught in '68, and I was one of the first on that course in '88 so I have confidence that my Class VIII training was what LRH intended.

I know of at least two major alterations on the Class VIII course.

One was to remove all the confidential data so those who had not done OT III could take the course. This gutted the course and anyone who did THAT course was screwed, since the majority of the tech on the course was classified. That was NOT the Class VIII course. This was done sometime in the late '70's. I'm not sure how long it lasted, and it may have been done only at AShO Day.

The other alteration actually began when I was on the course in '88. There were individuals of ill intent altering the tapes. When studying the tapes, transcripts began to appear of the tapes that did not match the tapes. -we read the transcripts as we listened to the tapes- Consequently, some of us 'misplaced' the transcripts that didn't align with the actual tapes. However, I know from conversations by some Class VIIIs who did the course in 89 and later, that the original tapes were cut up and tossed. So, what's left ... ?

I'm not sure the course even exists now.

Overall rating 
Makes life easier 
Worth the investment 
Easy to do 
Usefulness of information 
Reviewed by Bob Grant November 09, 2012
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (5)

Review by Bob Grant

The Original Class VIII course was given by LRH in 1968.

Since then, it has been widely altered for reasons only known to those of ill intent. Hence,who knows what Class VIII course was offered when one of us took it?

I was fortunate; in 1988 AOLA had the 'Original Class VIII Project' which was to reincarnate the exact Class VIII course LRH taught in '68, and I was one of the first on that course in '88 so I have confidence that my Class VIII training was what LRH intended.

I know of at least two major alterations on the Class VIII course.

One was to remove all the confidential data so those who had not done OT III could take the course. This gutted the course and anyone who did THAT course was screwed, since the majority of the tech on the course was classified. That was NOT the Class VIII course. This was done sometime in the late '70's. I'm not sure how long it lasted, and it may have been done only at AShO Day.

The other alteration actually began when I was on the course in '88. There were individuals of ill intent altering the tapes. When studying the tapes, transcripts began to appear of the tapes that did not match the tapes. -we read the transcripts as we listened to the tapes- Consequently, some of us 'misplaced' the transcripts that didn't align with the actual tapes. However, I know from conversations by some Class VIIIs who did the course in 89 and later, that the original tapes were cut up and tossed. So, what's left ... ?

I'm not sure the course even exists now.

Where I stand

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Independent Scientologist

Pros and Cons (optional)

The Class VIII tapes are the heart of the course.

Listening to them changes you as an auditor; you really understand WHAT you are doing and WHY you are doing it; it takes the 'thinking' out of it, all the questions have been answered, the true basics are understood, and by that I mean you know WHY they are the basics and they becomes part of your DNA, in a way; you no longer need to 'think' to know, you just look and understand and do.
Part of the course are LRH C/S sessions.

Unfortunately, they were almost all of the 'Quicky grades' era, so most of the sessions on the course, nearly all of them, are when he was C/Sing Quicky grades, one question to complete a grade.

Also, this was before 'FN Everything' came out, in '69 I believe, and so none of the LRH C/Sed sessions included FNing what you asked.

These two points are not minor as they have zero to do with the tech since then.

It also shows that LRH was not only aware of Quicky Grades, he was the source of them, and that he had one hell of a temper at times!!!

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