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United States Mountain View, California

Mountain View, California Hot

October 15, 2012    
3.3 (1)
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Church of Scientology of Mountain View: This is a CoS service organization supposed to deliver training and processing from the bottom of the Bridge up through Clear on the processing side of the Bridge, and also deliver all Scientology training from Introductory courses and seminars up through Class V Graduate Auditor.


117 Easy Street
Mountain View, CA 94043
United States


Open Every Day
Mon-Fri 9:00am - 10:00pm
Sat-Sun 9:00am - 6:00pm
Phone: 650-969-5262


User reviews

Average user rating from: 1 user(s)

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‎"There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation... one is by the sword...the other is by debt." John Adams 1826

Waxing philosophical, isn't that what Miscavige is in fact doing (has done) to CoS ?

One example is Mountain View Org, born from the booming Mission we had going on and by late 1990, CLV Org. LRH Birthday Game Top Mission 89/90. "Ideal Org" since circa 2002 (one of the first... interesting story there sometime). It's a nice Organization and for the most part good peeps, upstat enough for most anyone save the Queen or Sir Quicksiver, certainly enough space as is to continue to expand for some time... an ARC trained staff when I walked away 2009, although I think they knew better to get too involved with me by then. Jan Silber, ED, life long friend (or was... dono now), we were on staff and lived together as far back as 1981 in Alaska. Looking back, the New World Order according to Humpty Dumpty was starting to come through even then, I saw it, but I didn't recognize it.

That brings us to their current scene, as much as I still know it - I walked away mid 2009. Circa 2007 Mt View bought into the new MEGA IDLE MORGUE strategy, apparently, and somehow (missing data) managed to buy a new Mega Org... 80,000 sq ft or so - "right smack in the heart of Silicon Valley" was the byline. It was the big hoopla amongst hooplas at that time. First official BIG announcement was of course a fundraiser, which I attended. Many hot shots on stage, including the Feshbacks', another $50,000, and a brand new person to the Bridge, a Silicon exec walked up and donated $1,000,000 during this fundraising staged event. I was floored. I queried this surreptitiously after a few months while on course - mid the new Basics - and discovered, only after pulling a few strings with an old insider, that she had blown without paying..... imagine that. It didn't really surprise me.

The final point thus far... the existing (then and now) MTV Org pays $3000 property tax on the current building - you can find this online - Santa Clara County. The new (still vacant, still being funded for renos as of this writing) Mega Ideal building is $50,000 every six months... taxes alone.

The really sad part is my old friends don't even own nor control it.
Overall rating 
Reviewed by R Stacy December 11, 2012
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (5)

Mountain View's eminent demise...

‎"There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation... one is by the sword...the other is by debt." John Adams 1826

Waxing philosophical, isn't that what Miscavige is in fact doing (has done) to CoS ?

One example is Mountain View Org, born from the booming Mission we had going on and by late 1990, CLV Org. LRH Birthday Game Top Mission 89/90. "Ideal Org" since circa 2002 (one of the first... interesting story there sometime). It's a nice Organization and for the most part good peeps, upstat enough for most anyone save the Queen or Sir Quicksiver, certainly enough space as is to continue to expand for some time... an ARC trained staff when I walked away 2009, although I think they knew better to get too involved with me by then. Jan Silber, ED, life long friend (or was... dono now), we were on staff and lived together as far back as 1981 in Alaska. Looking back, the New World Order according to Humpty Dumpty was starting to come through even then, I saw it, but I didn't recognize it.

That brings us to their current scene, as much as I still know it - I walked away mid 2009. Circa 2007 Mt View bought into the new MEGA IDLE MORGUE strategy, apparently, and somehow (missing data) managed to buy a new Mega Org... 80,000 sq ft or so - "right smack in the heart of Silicon Valley" was the byline. It was the big hoopla amongst hooplas at that time. First official BIG announcement was of course a fundraiser, which I attended. Many hot shots on stage, including the Feshbacks', another $50,000, and a brand new person to the Bridge, a Silicon exec walked up and donated $1,000,000 during this fundraising staged event. I was floored. I queried this surreptitiously after a few months while on course - mid the new Basics - and discovered, only after pulling a few strings with an old insider, that she had blown without paying..... imagine that. It didn't really surprise me.

The final point thus far... the existing (then and now) MTV Org pays $3000 property tax on the current building - you can find this online - Santa Clara County. The new (still vacant, still being funded for renos as of this writing) Mega Ideal building is $50,000 every six months... taxes alone.

The really sad part is my old friends don't even own nor control it.

Where I stand on key issues

I am a
Independent Scientologist
The leader of the Church of Scientology, David Miscavige, is a...
Suppressive person (sociopath)

Pros and Cons (optional)

Great staff - (biased old friend).

Bottom line...

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