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United States Ann Arbor, Michigan

Ann Arbor, Michigan Hot

October 15, 2012    
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Church of Scientology of Ann Arbor: This is a CoS service organization supposed to deliver training and processing from the bottom of the Bridge up through Clear on the processing side of the Bridge, and also deliver all Scientology training from Introductory courses and seminars up through Class V Graduate Auditor.

66 E. Michigan Ave.
Battle Creek, MI 49017
Tel: (269) 965-5203

Hours: Mon-Fri 10:00am to 10:00pm
Sat-Sun 10:00am to 6:00pm

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I would not take a friend there. If you have an enemy it would be cruel and I don't think I would do that either. It truely is sad things have come to this.
Overall rating 
Reviewed by thetaone November 11, 2012
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (2)

There is no Co$ in Ann Arbor

I would not take a friend there. If you have an enemy it would be cruel and I don't think I would do that either. It truely is sad things have come to this.

Where I stand on key issues

I am a

Pros and Cons (optional)

This group is far enough away from LA and NYC and Clearwater that they can actually almost get something done despite the suppression and interference from the top. The staff overall are social personalities but they have been unpaid and beaten down for so long by the IAS stealing all the money from the public that would support this group and the off policy and out tech from David Miscavige that they are effectively an unwitting PTS squirrel group. They make continual mistakes and no case gain due to rollercoastering. ( For those not versed in Scientology nomenclature think of David as an abusive spouse and this group as the cowed and failing recipient of the abuse. )
The group that was operating in Ann Arbor started as a Mission of the Detroit Org if my understanding is correct. As part of the LRH Birthday game the Mission was stat pushed to be converted from a Mission to an Org to get a bonus in the game. It was forced as part of the misguided off policy "expansion" plans to move from a relatively inexpensive rented house near the University of Michigan to a much more expensive downtown location outside walking distance. This violated many Church policies most especially those that provided the viable percentages of income that should be spend on quarters. Here is what Ron says:


VIABILITY of the org (its economic survival including its security from political enemy motivated attack) is the first
and foremost consideration. In terms of quarters an org can afford just so much expense. Therefore Viability is the
first consideration-not how posh or what repute or what image. Thus we have the policy that THE FIRST CONSIDERATION IN PROCURING QUARTERS IS THE VIABILITY OF THE ORG.


CONCLUSION: Viability of economics must not exceed the income of the org. The SAFE figure for rent and
mortgage payments must not exceed 15% to 17% of the gross income of the org.


The group could not sustain paying the rent that was much more than 17% of GI in the new location and went insane trying to. They had a 5 year lease with the amount due increasing annually. Normally the income in a group is allocated by a fixed formula for promotion, staff pay, rent/mortgage, reserves and so on. This would be done standardly for a few weeks and then after the rent had not been paid to the point the landlord was serving eviction orders there would be a push to get anyone to purchase anything, bypass standard finance, and pay it all to the rent. This went on for years until it was decided to move to a new location even further on the west side of town away from the University. The rent was lower but the damage was done and this insane behavior became the standard. Goofing with finance like this is a high crime in Scientology codes.

So rather than caring for the individual and ensuring their increased prosperity the "greater good of the group" and paying the rent became the master. I personally experience being forced to purchase services I did not need under duress. It was not until much later I learned about the true financial scene. By this time the IAS or International Association of Scientologists had realized the amount of money the could sqeeze out of the good people in the Ann Arbor area and they set about routinely holding events in the Org to raise money bypassing the org and the finances for the rent. This put even greater strain on the staff to come up with the money to pay for the rent. The once prosperous Mission entered an extended period of decline. Staff pay went to nearly nothing and staff either moonlighted or had spouses financially supporting them.

The pattern of moving west has occurred at least one more time with the move of the group completely out of Ann Arbor to Battle Creek. This is not close enough to Grand Rapids which is the second largest Metro area in Michigan after Detroit to really service the state. But there are a couple strong supporters there that make it safe. There is no active group today in Ann Arbor that I am aware of.

The Battle Creek location places the group hours away from a major airport and provides an even larger buffer from the insanity from LA, NYC and Clearwater where the upper organizations are found.

I personally feel the group left of the original group in Ann Arbor that is now transplanted to Battle Creek will be among the first to awaken to the betrayal by David Miscavige and this will if not the first, one of the first, orgs to declare independence from the suppression. There are good people there. But if one has to choose between squirrel suppressive Church brand Scientology or no Church brand Scientology I choose none. I am much happier being disconnected from the day to day insanity of this group. But it is time to put in ethics and straighten it out which is why I have written this review. No amount of PR or handwaving makes this okay.

Maybe someday this group will return to the NE side of Ann Arbor and return to prosperity as a Mission.

Bottom line...

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