
NOTICE: This non-commercial website is NOT affiliated with the Church of Scientology (link).

homeWHERE TO GET HELP: There are now two avenues for Scientology services. Find out what to expect and what...
Europe Vienna, Austria

Vienna, Austria Hot

October 15, 2012    
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Church of Scientology of Vienna: This is a CoS service organization supposed to deliver training and processing from the bottom of the Bridge up through Clear on the processing side of the Bridge, and also deliver all Scientology training from Introductory courses and seminars up through Class V Graduate Auditor.

Capistrangasse 4
A-1070 Wien
Tel: (01) 522-36-18

Wir sind Montag bis Samstag 9:00 - 22:00 und Sonntag 13:00 - 18:00 geöffnet

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