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R6EW Hot

October 23, 2012    
2.5 (1)
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This auditing level is solo audited, part of the Alternate Route to Clear for those who did not go Clear on New Era Dianetics. It is designed to pull out the teeth of the R6 bank, the implanted Goals Problem Mass that is the core of the reactive mind. The reactive mind is composed of significances and masses as old as the universe itself and is the basic cause of the decline of the individual. Each person has his own basic reactive bank but they are all exactly alike. The elements are quite useless and inhibiting.

User reviews

Average user rating from: 1 user(s)

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Applicability (hits home) 
2.0  (1)
3.0  (1)
Wow factor 
3.0  (1)
2.0  (1)
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I supervised this at Saint Hill in the early 80s. Not many people did it, but there were one or two. If you look at the HCOBs from this time and the various R6EW* alternatives, you might get the idea it can fairly complex. However, R6EW is actually pretty simple, and not like the complex variations at all.

If you filter out the theory, the explanations of what it is supposed to do like cure hunger in Africa (joke), then it is a simple procedure that in the small number of cases I saw produced an acceptable result.
Overall rating 
Applicability (hits home) 
Wow factor 
Reviewed by Paul Adams November 12, 2012
#1 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (47)

Awful name: it's sexy but only if you can understand it

I supervised this at Saint Hill in the early 80s. Not many people did it, but there were one or two. If you look at the HCOBs from this time and the various R6EW* alternatives, you might get the idea it can fairly complex. However, R6EW is actually pretty simple, and not like the complex variations at all.

If you filter out the theory, the explanations of what it is supposed to do like cure hunger in Africa (joke), then it is a simple procedure that in the small number of cases I saw produced an acceptable result.

Where I stand

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Pros and Cons (optional)

It's got some wow factor if you are into believing Hubbard's PR. It's not as cookie-cutter as related actions.

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