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L10 Hot

October 14, 2012    
4.5 (1)
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In the early 1970s, Scientology staff were coming to the Apollo for training on the Flag Executive Briefing Course. Many of these staff had not had any auditing yet. Thus LRH devised a series of Flag-only case boosters to make them more stable and powerful. These were called the L Rundowns. Over the years Flag continued to deliver these rundowns and charged special rates for them which, under David Miscavige, increased enormously to almost $4,000 per hour.

These rundown are basically case boosters that bypass the normal protective mechanisms of the mind to effect great changes. They are now delivered in the Independent Scientology field at a tiny fraction of the prices charged by the Church of Scientology.

L10 is said to consist of 23 actions which address the reasons one withholds oneself or restrains oneself form action. Standardly delivered, L10 can greatly boost a person's reach and power and free the individual into a higher ability and activity. However the problem is in that word, "standardly."

LRH never codified the training for Ls auditors and much of the training was done by study of pc folders personally C/Sed by Ron for individuals on these levels. Within the Church that has resulted in many people not being standardly handled and wound them up out-lists after attempting to receive the Ls. Extensive list correction has resolved their troubles, but the fact remains the L Rundowns are not really necessary for anyone (they are not part of the Bridge) and definitely risky. You will never hear such a warning from the Church due to approximately 4,000 reasons... per hour. For decades the sales of Ls have been the primary money maker at Flag, money which is funneled directly uplines under the control of David Miscavige.

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This is a very powerful rundown - it acted as a case cracker for me when I did this in 1986. The only caveat is it must be delivered by highly trained Class 12 auditor who knows what he's doing. In the wrong hands the results can be deadly. I don't think it's a secret that the main subject of this rundown is whole track overts. I was no stranger to that area when I started, but L10 takes it to a much deeper level. It helped raised my confront a hundredfold. The abilities I gained have been useful to me to this very day - my life would not have been the same without it.
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Reviewed by Maurice November 15, 2012
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (11)


This is a very powerful rundown - it acted as a case cracker for me when I did this in 1986. The only caveat is it must be delivered by highly trained Class 12 auditor who knows what he's doing. In the wrong hands the results can be deadly. I don't think it's a secret that the main subject of this rundown is whole track overts. I was no stranger to that area when I started, but L10 takes it to a much deeper level. It helped raised my confront a hundredfold. The abilities I gained have been useful to me to this very day - my life would not have been the same without it.

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Independent Scientologist

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