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Auditing Services Havingness Rundown

Havingness Rundown Hot

October 14, 2012    
4.5 (1)
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This Rundown has gone by several names. It was originally called the Money Rundown, then changed to Prosperity Rundown, then finally it became the Havingness Rundown in the early 1990s. The name changed because David Miscavige wanted the Church to distance itself from any direct association with money. The rundown was delivered only at Flag, but it does not require special skills like the L Rundowns, so it could be delivered anywhere. The rundown takes up various reasons why a person's money flows can stick. It enables a new attitude of being able to have money and the finer things of life. Sometimes that is the key to effect dramatic change.

Previously only available at Flag at very expensive rates, it is now available inexpensively from Independent Scientology auditors in the field.

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Applicability (hits home) 
5.0  (1)
5.0  (1)
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4.0  (1)
4.0  (1)
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The subject of money is an incredibly charged subject for most people. I know it certainly was for me prior to completing The Money Rundown.

Like most people first looking to handle their financial difficulties, I began by looking at the externals. I attended a number of seminars, listened to many programs and read practically every book on the subjects of money and finances. I got a large number of different and conflicting viewpoints which, though interesting, were often confusing, and had very little impact overall on my financial well being or peace of mind.

You see, eventually I came to realize that my financial issues persisted because I never worked on step zero: handling my negative core beliefs around money that caused said difficulties.

This led me to some 12 step programs (Debtors Anonymous & Underearners Anonymous) meant to help handle the stress, anxiety and difficulties I had around money, but ultimately turned out to be of little help – if anything it actually exacerbated the problems. In all, relatively little changed despite my knowledge and experiences, as I’d basically do OK financially for brief periods, but wouldn’t ever enjoy myself for fear of more problems down the road, then I would eventually fall back into my old ways, thus creating a self-fulfilling prophecy that kept repeating. It was extremely frustrating to say the least, because while my overall financial habits were actually pretty good as I’m pretty conservative with money (partly out of necessity), I never could earn enough nor feel at peace with what I had or wanted which led me to know something was off mentally.

I decided to handle this issue once and for all with my auditor Randy Smith. He heard and listened patiently to my concerns and worries as I discussed the subjects of money, work, career, jobs, income, finances, and other related words on the e-meter. (By the way, I also really like that he calls it “The Money Rundown” and not “The Prosperity Rundown” nor “The Havingness Rundown” to hide its true intention, as the Church now does due to its overwhelmingly bad PR; I mean, if you can’t talk about these subjects openly and call the underlying problem what it is, then how can you even begin to handle the problem?)

So one by one we went through all of these terms, using a number of processes to handle and flatten the charge around these things. While I can’t speak for others, for me it took quite a while to complete as it was really mixed in quite deep for me with a lot of other things that I had confused with it like love, success, identity, health, purpose, ego and more. But that said, it was so worth every penny that I spent to complete it because now I feel peace.

I can say that as a result of doing the work with Randy, I now have total acceptance of myself, my skills, my talents and my career, rather than fighting it and feeling insecure as I did so often. I actually also have no regrets about it either, as I noticed that I finally took responsibility for things that I hadn’t, and also let go of responsibility for things that were not mine to begin with, and learned from my past experiences which have proved to be extremely valuable.

Near the end of the process I finally shelved a career book that I was rereading for the third time, as I now have finally handled this issue. I also noticed that as things started to get handled, unexpected but certainly welcome income would appear from nowhere and opportunities would appear, despite never having applied for or even heard of them before. It was like drawing chance cards in Monopoly, only in real life!

I’m not going to kid myself that now this means I can sit back and relax while things somehow work out and that I will have never any outside issues with money in the future; I still have to do the basic work in order to find and earn income, create and build assets, and protect that wealth – but fortunately I know those good habits that I already developed will pay off both literally and figuratively as I no longer have any weird self-sabotaging beliefs about money anymore. With Step Zero done, the other steps are so much easier to handle, once and for all.

Now I certainly feel peaceful when I think of my current career and finances, where I came from and what I am creating for the future of myself and my family. Thank you Randy and Kay for your help and patience with this trying process, as well as to L. Ron Hubbard and the Scientology staff who piloted and assisted with the original program! What a great gift to myself and an awesome way to start 2016!
Overall rating 
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Wow factor 
Reviewed by Ian January 03, 2016
Top 100 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (2)

Handles Step Zero for All Personal Finance Issues: Your Mindset and Core Beliefs

The subject of money is an incredibly charged subject for most people. I know it certainly was for me prior to completing The Money Rundown.

Like most people first looking to handle their financial difficulties, I began by looking at the externals. I attended a number of seminars, listened to many programs and read practically every book on the subjects of money and finances. I got a large number of different and conflicting viewpoints which, though interesting, were often confusing, and had very little impact overall on my financial well being or peace of mind.

You see, eventually I came to realize that my financial issues persisted because I never worked on step zero: handling my negative core beliefs around money that caused said difficulties.

This led me to some 12 step programs (Debtors Anonymous & Underearners Anonymous) meant to help handle the stress, anxiety and difficulties I had around money, but ultimately turned out to be of little help – if anything it actually exacerbated the problems. In all, relatively little changed despite my knowledge and experiences, as I’d basically do OK financially for brief periods, but wouldn’t ever enjoy myself for fear of more problems down the road, then I would eventually fall back into my old ways, thus creating a self-fulfilling prophecy that kept repeating. It was extremely frustrating to say the least, because while my overall financial habits were actually pretty good as I’m pretty conservative with money (partly out of necessity), I never could earn enough nor feel at peace with what I had or wanted which led me to know something was off mentally.

I decided to handle this issue once and for all with my auditor Randy Smith. He heard and listened patiently to my concerns and worries as I discussed the subjects of money, work, career, jobs, income, finances, and other related words on the e-meter. (By the way, I also really like that he calls it “The Money Rundown” and not “The Prosperity Rundown” nor “The Havingness Rundown” to hide its true intention, as the Church now does due to its overwhelmingly bad PR; I mean, if you can’t talk about these subjects openly and call the underlying problem what it is, then how can you even begin to handle the problem?)

So one by one we went through all of these terms, using a number of processes to handle and flatten the charge around these things. While I can’t speak for others, for me it took quite a while to complete as it was really mixed in quite deep for me with a lot of other things that I had confused with it like love, success, identity, health, purpose, ego and more. But that said, it was so worth every penny that I spent to complete it because now I feel peace.

I can say that as a result of doing the work with Randy, I now have total acceptance of myself, my skills, my talents and my career, rather than fighting it and feeling insecure as I did so often. I actually also have no regrets about it either, as I noticed that I finally took responsibility for things that I hadn’t, and also let go of responsibility for things that were not mine to begin with, and learned from my past experiences which have proved to be extremely valuable.

Near the end of the process I finally shelved a career book that I was rereading for the third time, as I now have finally handled this issue. I also noticed that as things started to get handled, unexpected but certainly welcome income would appear from nowhere and opportunities would appear, despite never having applied for or even heard of them before. It was like drawing chance cards in Monopoly, only in real life!

I’m not going to kid myself that now this means I can sit back and relax while things somehow work out and that I will have never any outside issues with money in the future; I still have to do the basic work in order to find and earn income, create and build assets, and protect that wealth – but fortunately I know those good habits that I already developed will pay off both literally and figuratively as I no longer have any weird self-sabotaging beliefs about money anymore. With Step Zero done, the other steps are so much easier to handle, once and for all.

Now I certainly feel peaceful when I think of my current career and finances, where I came from and what I am creating for the future of myself and my family. Thank you Randy and Kay for your help and patience with this trying process, as well as to L. Ron Hubbard and the Scientology staff who piloted and assisted with the original program! What a great gift to myself and an awesome way to start 2016!

Where I stand

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Independent Scientologist

Pros and Cons (optional)

Peace of mind around career, finances, job, income. This is huge.

MUCH larger level of gratitude and pride in self, talents, skills, and what I have (vs. focusing on what I don't have as before).

Can be customized to handle charge on terms/phrases related to one's own situation and charged beliefs.

Affects both internals and externals of life regarding money.

Much better sleep and confidence in the future, possibly extending life and reducing by eradicating needless stress and worry.

Particularly relevant in this economy. And if one has charge on the church rates/charges/regging, or the subject of paying for sessions, this is worth a permanent handling.
Takes a long time to handle, as many side issues came up depending on personal situation - but then again, the subject of money is quite entrenched in all 8 dynamics - as such cost increases with time. But worth it in long run.

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