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Auditing Services Grade III

Grade III Hot

October 14, 2012    
3.8 (3)
2271   0   0   0   0   0
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Most people can name one or more points where their whole life changed for the worst. And in just that way, violent change can become upsetting to a person. Grade III not only repairs the damage from sweeping changes of the past that affected the person adversely, but enables a being to effect changes in life for his own good. By handling the past stuck points and bringing about the ability to change, the final result of Grade III is attained, which is freedom from upsets of the past and ability and willingness to face the future.

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Average user rating from: 3 user(s)

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Applicability (hits home) 
3.7  (3)
4.0  (3)
Wow factor 
4.0  (3)
3.7  (3)
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I kind of regard this as the find what your buttons are in life. For me, it was treason conditions.
I had a lot of charge on people with treason conditions. When I confronted the treason I had experienced myself, this was the point I stopped copying others. I did not want others to experience what I had. I guess this is where my value as a being started to shine, finally. I came out of liability. Everything started to "matter". Valences I had copied blew off. I am not trained so I do not know why. I found doing the grades a constant shifting in ethics conditions. But this was the level where I fell into mercy. This was the level that got me interested in ethics. This is the level that got me interested in social science. I think I expanded onto other dynamics. Before this grade I was constantly described as being , "gullible" like a "little girl". After this grade I was only described as , "dangerous". This was the level that made me unholy. Where I did not feel obligated to suffer. Not that I chose this power to punish. These steps of enlightenment actually protect the people around you. But for sure, my agreement that I should suffer in any way was gone. Off the table.
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Reviewed by theoracle November 20, 2012
Top 10 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (13)

Find out what your buttons are.

I kind of regard this as the find what your buttons are in life. For me, it was treason conditions.
I had a lot of charge on people with treason conditions. When I confronted the treason I had experienced myself, this was the point I stopped copying others. I did not want others to experience what I had. I guess this is where my value as a being started to shine, finally. I came out of liability. Everything started to "matter". Valences I had copied blew off. I am not trained so I do not know why. I found doing the grades a constant shifting in ethics conditions. But this was the level where I fell into mercy. This was the level that got me interested in ethics. This is the level that got me interested in social science. I think I expanded onto other dynamics. Before this grade I was constantly described as being , "gullible" like a "little girl". After this grade I was only described as , "dangerous". This was the level that made me unholy. Where I did not feel obligated to suffer. Not that I chose this power to punish. These steps of enlightenment actually protect the people around you. But for sure, my agreement that I should suffer in any way was gone. Off the table.

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In 1972 I hated all organizations and I thought the Viet Nam war was the epitome of what organization could do...and so I decided I would not have ANYTHING to do with any organization. I hated them all, including the local grade school and the organizations of Scientology. In fact I stayed out of organizations of Scientology and in 1970-71 and I read all of Ron's books on my own and I ran or tried to run many the of processes on myself in those 2 years. I went unconscious a few times, but ran as many as I could before I reluctantly stepped foot in a Scientology organization. But on level III I got over my problem with "all organizations" and joined the Sea Org... Anyway, I suggest you do this level, but skip joining the Sea Org... at least at this time.... ha.. I am now an Independent Scientologist...
Overall rating 
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Reviewed by Robert Almblad November 11, 2012
Top 10 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (19)

Joined the Sea Org during this level

In 1972 I hated all organizations and I thought the Viet Nam war was the epitome of what organization could do...and so I decided I would not have ANYTHING to do with any organization. I hated them all, including the local grade school and the organizations of Scientology. In fact I stayed out of organizations of Scientology and in 1970-71 and I read all of Ron's books on my own and I ran or tried to run many the of processes on myself in those 2 years. I went unconscious a few times, but ran as many as I could before I reluctantly stepped foot in a Scientology organization. But on level III I got over my problem with "all organizations" and joined the Sea Org... Anyway, I suggest you do this level, but skip joining the Sea Org... at least at this time.... ha.. I am now an Independent Scientologist...

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Independent Scientologist

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Great level

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I received Expanded Grade 3 in the mid-70s at Saint Hill. I don't remember much about it beyond not finding much to run. Rightly or wrongly, I figured something was wrong with me. Maybe there just wasn't much to address, as I wasn't particularly upset about change points in my life.

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Wow factor 
Reviewed by Paul Adams November 11, 2012
#1 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (47)

Sounds great!

I received Expanded Grade 3 in the mid-70s at Saint Hill. I don't remember much about it beyond not finding much to run. Rightly or wrongly, I figured something was wrong with me. Maybe there just wasn't much to address, as I wasn't particularly upset about change points in my life.

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Ineffective? Maybe it was just me.

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