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Grade I Hot

October 14, 2012    
4.3 (4)
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Grade I deals with the subject of help and problems. The first steps of this grade bring a person out of the past and into the "now," called in Scientology, "present time." These are accomplished by directing (extroverting) attention onto and about the environment through a series of processes called Objectives, because they get the person looking out instead of in (subjectively). These processes run deep and sometimes bring about remarkable changes such as the exteriorization of a thetan, meaning the thetan moves outside his body sometimes for the first time. This is not really the aim of the processes, but it does happen at times. Normally anywhere from 12.5 to 25 hours are spent on objectives which is time well spent.

The next subject is help. Considering that help is the very stuff of which the universe if "made," it makes sense why the subject is taken up following the objective processes. By remedying the individual's ability to give and receive help, the individual comes more into sync with life, and it becomes a deeper, more meaningful experience.

The final phase of Grade I deals with problems. You may have noticed that something does not really become a "problem" until you decide it is so. At which point it becomes far more difficult to handle. What is a problem? How do you get rid of them? Grade I allows you to find out for yourself and culminates in the ability to spot the source of problems and make them vanish.


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Average user rating from: 4 user(s)

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4.5  (4)
4.3  (4)
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4.3  (4)
4.3  (4)
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I had a native ability at problem solving and sought these kinds of challenges even as a little kid. In junior high school I became the state's math whiz, when I tested at university graduate level in mathematics in the 7th grade. After school I searched for any book with math problems and had teachers giving them to me as gifts, and I went home to spend 6 to 7 hours submerged in math equations. I was in love with Euclid. This was how I spent my time. So, when the subject of problem solving came up in Scientology I thought it was not going to be an issue for me that was charged. If running grade 2 had been an option or run on interest only I never would have done it. It did turn out to be the fastest grade I completed. But I discovered my problems were not related to symbols. They were related to forces. This was HUGE for me. HUGE. This was the level where I came to appreciate Scientology the most in knowing, it was what I "didn't know" what was killing me. Having leaned on straight A's and being skipped two grades in school I had imagines myself superior to others in many respects. I was just in "symbols" on the tone scale! It was "What I know, What I know", that separated me from others. On this level I realized it was what I didn't know that had the power. The was a shrink in identity to zero, unfold, reinvent myself again, moment. Yes. It was a good thing. Perhaps as an ethics condition, I came to find out who I really was on that level.
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Reviewed by theoracle November 20, 2012
Top 10 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (13)

A big surprise

I had a native ability at problem solving and sought these kinds of challenges even as a little kid. In junior high school I became the state's math whiz, when I tested at university graduate level in mathematics in the 7th grade. After school I searched for any book with math problems and had teachers giving them to me as gifts, and I went home to spend 6 to 7 hours submerged in math equations. I was in love with Euclid. This was how I spent my time. So, when the subject of problem solving came up in Scientology I thought it was not going to be an issue for me that was charged. If running grade 2 had been an option or run on interest only I never would have done it. It did turn out to be the fastest grade I completed. But I discovered my problems were not related to symbols. They were related to forces. This was HUGE for me. HUGE. This was the level where I came to appreciate Scientology the most in knowing, it was what I "didn't know" what was killing me. Having leaned on straight A's and being skipped two grades in school I had imagines myself superior to others in many respects. I was just in "symbols" on the tone scale! It was "What I know, What I know", that separated me from others. On this level I realized it was what I didn't know that had the power. The was a shrink in identity to zero, unfold, reinvent myself again, moment. Yes. It was a good thing. Perhaps as an ethics condition, I came to find out who I really was on that level.

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Independent Scientologist

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Having done the Grade 1 doesn't mean I don't have anymore problems in life, it would be so boring ! I just don't feel them heavy as before and have tools to make them vanish or find solutions. Now, that's a game !
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Reviewed by Marianne November 12, 2012
Top 100 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (2)

I was waiting for this grade

Having done the Grade 1 doesn't mean I don't have anymore problems in life, it would be so boring ! I just don't feel them heavy as before and have tools to make them vanish or find solutions. Now, that's a game !

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Independent Scientologist

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I was waiting for this grade since a long time. Like quite a lot of people I think, I was having too many problems and not enough solutions...

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Grade 1 was very intense because it addressed "help" issues and problems... afterwards, I could help others and the big problems in my life just disappeared because I was now able to handle them..
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Reviewed by Robert Almblad November 11, 2012
Top 10 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (19)

The Grades changed my life for the better

Grade 1 was very intense because it addressed "help" issues and problems... afterwards, I could help others and the big problems in my life just disappeared because I was now able to handle them..

Where I stand

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Independent Scientologist

Pros and Cons (optional)

The grades O-IV dramatically increased my personal abilities while simultaneously removed any unwillingness or fear I had in the area being audited.

Grade 1 was very intense because it addressed "help" issues and problems... afterwards, I could help others and the big problems in my life just disappeared because I was now able to handle them..
None. It was all fabulous.

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I did Exp Grade 1 as a pc in the mid-70s. It took over 100 hours to do. At the time I thought it wasn't bad and felt I had got something out of it, although it was hard to nail down what it was I had got. The stated EP was pretty meaningless with respect to real life, but it was great to be "moving through the grades" and to have "completed another one."

In recent years I have some wins doing stuff with problems processes, so they can be quite useful.
Overall rating 
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Wow factor 
Reviewed by Paul Adams November 11, 2012
#1 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (47)

Problems, problems

I did Exp Grade 1 as a pc in the mid-70s. It took over 100 hours to do. At the time I thought it wasn't bad and felt I had got something out of it, although it was hard to nail down what it was I had got. The stated EP was pretty meaningless with respect to real life, but it was great to be "moving through the grades" and to have "completed another one."

In recent years I have some wins doing stuff with problems processes, so they can be quite useful.

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Pros and Cons (optional)

Relatively simple to do and be audited on, i.e., doesn't require a highly-classed auditor.
Lengthy, but if you gotta do it there's not much choice involved.

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