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Grade 0 Hot

October 14, 2012    
4.6 (5)
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From 1950 onward, L. Ron Hubbard was intent on arranging auditing processes into a "bridge" that would serve anyone, enabling them to cross over to the "higher plateau" originally envisioned at the end of Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health. A breakthrough came in the mid 1960s when LRH realized that those things which could stop auditing were the keys to unlocking higher abilities. He called those factors the "super barriers" because they were not only barriers to auditing, but the principle barriers to living. Those super barriers included communication difficulties, problems, guilt, upsets and fixed ideas.

In response, LRH reorganized the progression of auditing into bands of commonality called "Grades." The first one, Grade 0, deals with communication barriers. Over the years, many effective processes had been developed on the subject of communication;  Grade 0 employs them all. Grade 0 enables a person to examine his or her personal communication barriers from all angles, and culminates not only with the willingness to freely communicate with anyone on any subject, but the ability to do so. This opens many doors to living that had previously been closed, since communication is the universal solvent.

As a rough estimate, Grade 0 usually takes somewhere around 25 hours of auditing which can generally be delivered in as little as two weeks.

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Average user rating from: 5 user(s)

Overall rating 
Applicability (hits home) 
4.6  (5)
4.6  (5)
Wow factor 
4.4  (5)
4.8  (5)
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Life changing auditing. Never again did I think, "I wish I would have said...." I was hugely out of communication before I embraced this auditing and was known for being "silent, introverted, and guarded". I went through great lengths to avoid conversations and preferred to live alone. I fell into books, animals and music for communication and people were barely visible to me. I also could not tolerate someone touching me for any reason. Even at a social event or at a school someone just reaching out to squeeze me would bring an instant reprimand from me to "DO NOT TOUCH ME!" People used to recoil! After this grade I had to get used to hearing my own voice! And it no longer disturbed me if someone took the liberty in a social situation to reach out and touch me. Communication takes many forms, not only talking. This effected my senses all around that are connected to communication such as perceptions of the environment and people. It is true that a person is as alive as they communicate. For me, this was a life changing grade and it effected everyone who came into contact with me also. Their life with me became better. Or at least more real. My 13 year old son is a voice actor and after he has some grade zero auditing his career skyrocketed. A person's life is largely effected by what does or does not come out of their mouth. Voice is a constant exchange gift between peoples. Magical things can occur through communication. It is also very fun and simple auditing. I laughed and laughed and laughed!
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Wow factor 
Reviewed by theoracle November 19, 2012
Top 10 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (13)


Life changing auditing. Never again did I think, "I wish I would have said...." I was hugely out of communication before I embraced this auditing and was known for being "silent, introverted, and guarded". I went through great lengths to avoid conversations and preferred to live alone. I fell into books, animals and music for communication and people were barely visible to me. I also could not tolerate someone touching me for any reason. Even at a social event or at a school someone just reaching out to squeeze me would bring an instant reprimand from me to "DO NOT TOUCH ME!" People used to recoil! After this grade I had to get used to hearing my own voice! And it no longer disturbed me if someone took the liberty in a social situation to reach out and touch me. Communication takes many forms, not only talking. This effected my senses all around that are connected to communication such as perceptions of the environment and people. It is true that a person is as alive as they communicate. For me, this was a life changing grade and it effected everyone who came into contact with me also. Their life with me became better. Or at least more real. My 13 year old son is a voice actor and after he has some grade zero auditing his career skyrocketed. A person's life is largely effected by what does or does not come out of their mouth. Voice is a constant exchange gift between peoples. Magical things can occur through communication. It is also very fun and simple auditing. I laughed and laughed and laughed!

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Independent Scientologist

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I really could communicate to anyone about anything when I finished... it was absolutely incredible! Still incredible today 40 years later.
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Reviewed by Robert Almblad November 11, 2012
Top 10 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (19)

Grade 0 is the starting point

I really could communicate to anyone about anything when I finished... it was absolutely incredible! Still incredible today 40 years later.

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I did Expanded Grade 0 in the mid-70s. It took a hundred hours or so, and I got quite a lot out of it, in that it did become much easier for me to talk to people. In all honesty, the "proper" EP of "can talk to anyone about anything" is an overstatement, but a lesser version of that would be accurate. I did some more on it 30 years later in 2000 (outside the CofS), and found a bunch more stuff to run then, so I don't agree with the idea that once you've run it then that's it, Bud.

Communication processes addressed to people in one's life are harmless enough, and I don't have a problem with those at all. But there is one process in Exp Grade 0, R2-60 from Creation of Human Ability, that is problematic. Part of the process (spotting things like inhibited communication or protected sex) is wonderful, as long as the questions are well grooved-in as to meaning and thoroughly restimulated to stir up stuff to run, but the auditor is supposed to check all the time if the pc is spotting the item in the physical universe or merely spotting it in his mind. Spotting it in his mind is clearly the inferior answer, and the pc is supposed to be able to spot the things in the physical universe, whatever that means in reality.

Exterior perception like this, especially of things that happened years ago and in another place, are hardly abilities a Grade 0 pc is likely to have, and to actively pursue this line of questioning would seem to me to be encouraging delusion.
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Wow factor 
Reviewed by Paul Adams November 11, 2012
#1 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (47)

Should help improve comm ability for real

I did Expanded Grade 0 in the mid-70s. It took a hundred hours or so, and I got quite a lot out of it, in that it did become much easier for me to talk to people. In all honesty, the "proper" EP of "can talk to anyone about anything" is an overstatement, but a lesser version of that would be accurate. I did some more on it 30 years later in 2000 (outside the CofS), and found a bunch more stuff to run then, so I don't agree with the idea that once you've run it then that's it, Bud.

Communication processes addressed to people in one's life are harmless enough, and I don't have a problem with those at all. But there is one process in Exp Grade 0, R2-60 from Creation of Human Ability, that is problematic. Part of the process (spotting things like inhibited communication or protected sex) is wonderful, as long as the questions are well grooved-in as to meaning and thoroughly restimulated to stir up stuff to run, but the auditor is supposed to check all the time if the pc is spotting the item in the physical universe or merely spotting it in his mind. Spotting it in his mind is clearly the inferior answer, and the pc is supposed to be able to spot the things in the physical universe, whatever that means in reality.

Exterior perception like this, especially of things that happened years ago and in another place, are hardly abilities a Grade 0 pc is likely to have, and to actively pursue this line of questioning would seem to me to be encouraging delusion.

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Pros and Cons (optional)

Will probably help a lot with communication abilities.
The Grade EP is overstated. Plus, see comment about R2-60.

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See what I wrote in "Cons."
Overall rating 
Applicability (hits home) 
Wow factor 
Reviewed by hybrid November 11, 2012
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (3)

I loved this action (pre-Golden Age of Tech)

See what I wrote in "Cons."

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Independent Scientologist

Pros and Cons (optional)

This was so life-changing! After doing it I felt so free to communicate about anything, and this has lasted for years. This was one of the best auditing actions I had.
I did this action pre-"Golden Age of Tech." So someone doing it today might not have the same results. You should be aware that the tech from Ron was perfect and didn't need "improving" many years after his death as the "Golden Age of Tech" implies. By now, the Church of Scientology may have been altered from the original and may not be as effective. If you do get this, you would be more likely to have really good gains by using an Independent Scientologist auditor.

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I loved Grade 0! I came to Flag to do it and my husband and kids arrived while I was on it. We went out to dinner the night they arrived and after I made a comment about getting the waitress over to tell her something my daughter said to my husband and her brother, "Mom is different!" When we got home my husband told me he didn't want me to go up the Bridge because he knew if I did I would leave him. This is one of the possible problems with not doing Scientology at a similar pace. I got my husband into Scientology when we were teenagers and I pushed him up the Bridge while he kept stopping me. He was on OT VII while I was Clear and on Grade 0. He was right, me going up the bridge did result in our divorce. It was an amazing action and one of my favorites.
Overall rating 
Applicability (hits home) 
Wow factor 
Reviewed by Jacksgrandma November 11, 2012
Top 100 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (1)

Changed my life!

I loved Grade 0! I came to Flag to do it and my husband and kids arrived while I was on it. We went out to dinner the night they arrived and after I made a comment about getting the waitress over to tell her something my daughter said to my husband and her brother, "Mom is different!" When we got home my husband told me he didn't want me to go up the Bridge because he knew if I did I would leave him. This is one of the possible problems with not doing Scientology at a similar pace. I got my husband into Scientology when we were teenagers and I pushed him up the Bridge while he kept stopping me. He was on OT VII while I was Clear and on Grade 0. He was right, me going up the bridge did result in our divorce. It was an amazing action and one of my favorites.

Where I stand

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Independent Scientologist

Pros and Cons (optional)

I did Grade 0 at Flag in 1993. It was overrun by 11 pages of processes and was rough running due to an auditor who had what we call "evaluative TRs". She would make an expressive face to everything I said so my attention was put on her instead of my case and my cognitions. Despite this the gains I achieved even with rough auditing were life changing. Anyone who knows me today is always shocked to find out I used to be a very shy person who never originated communication. Grade 0 will make an extrovert out of anybody, even the most introverted self conscious person. It was one of my favorite actions in Scientology and I recommend it to everyone, preferably through a co-audit where you audit someone and they audit you on the level.
No cons to the action except overrunning it was very hard on me and my communication level went lower for a time being than before I had even started until the reason was found.

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