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Auditing Services ARC Straightwire

ARC Straightwire Hot

October 14, 2012    
4.4 (8)
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This is a series of auditing steps is named after what it does — enhance a person's general level of understanding through the positive re-familiarization with their own past. "ARC" stands for Affinity, Reality and Communication, the component parts of Understanding. It is a new idea to many that something as nebulous as "understanding" as not only been defined in this way, but broken down into it's component parts. Hubbard found that increasing any one of these three elements also increased the other two. ARC Straightwire reconnects a person with mostly positive moments in their past, as if by stringing a "straight wire" right back to the moment and having the person examine the memory safely. Surprisingly, this Communication process results in a significant increase of affinity, especially the affinity for self. The sense of Reality is also greatly augmented. The three component parts of Understanding expand outward eventually resulting in a realization that the worst is behind them, times need never be as bad as they were in the past. This dawning awakening brings a dramatic sense of new-found freedom. The entire level generally requires around 25 hours or so of auditing time, which is best delivered intensively in about two weeks.

User reviews

Average user rating from: 8 user(s)

Overall rating 
Applicability (hits home) 
4.3  (8)
4.5  (8)
Wow factor 
4.4  (8)
4.5  (8)
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This was a very fun and personally rewarding activity. Prior to this action I would often find myself seeking other's input about my own thoughts and actions. I guess I figured if others approved then I was "on the right track" in my thought process, or doing worthwhile things. After ARC Straightwire I feel no urge whatsoever to do this for the purpose gaining validation about myself from others at all. It has set me on extremely firm ground as an individual. With this new perspective I am now able to consider other's viewpoints as to their value to where I have CHOSEN to go with my life rather than where I "should" go or how I should act. This is because I now have a certainty about myself that is not contingent anyone else's thoughts or opinions. And that's the biggest validation of all!
Overall rating 
Applicability (hits home) 
Wow factor 
Reviewed by DC2 June 01, 2013
Top 100 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (2)

ARC Straightwire

This was a very fun and personally rewarding activity. Prior to this action I would often find myself seeking other's input about my own thoughts and actions. I guess I figured if others approved then I was "on the right track" in my thought process, or doing worthwhile things. After ARC Straightwire I feel no urge whatsoever to do this for the purpose gaining validation about myself from others at all. It has set me on extremely firm ground as an individual. With this new perspective I am now able to consider other's viewpoints as to their value to where I have CHOSEN to go with my life rather than where I "should" go or how I should act. This is because I now have a certainty about myself that is not contingent anyone else's thoughts or opinions. And that's the biggest validation of all!

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Independent Scientologist

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It was a joy to do with my auditor at the time; it was no wonder as her motto was that auditing was a pleasure!
Overall rating 
Applicability (hits home) 
Wow factor 
Reviewed by Shrine April 19, 2013
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (3)

What really helped me

It was a joy to do with my auditor at the time; it was no wonder as her motto was that auditing was a pleasure!

Where I stand

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Independent Scientologist

Pros and Cons (optional)

Its simple and understandable if you have some basic Div 6 training.
It opens the ability to recall and see your past and present
If followed step by step it helps you to get to know and accept yourself as you are today
I found it totally real regarding the goal described on the bridge "knows won't get any worse" (or something like that)
As all auditing, it works only if you are in ARC with your auditor and if he or she is natural and understanding, a being who loves people in general.
Rote mechanical auditing makes it boring, tiring and uninteresting.

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Most people could stand being more stable. This action stabilizes a being.
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Wow factor 
Reviewed by Michael Priv February 04, 2013
Top 100 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (2)


Most people could stand being more stable. This action stabilizes a being.

Where I stand

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Independent Scientologist

Pros and Cons (optional)

I did mine in 2011. You don't go OT on this action and it does not uncover all the mysteries of existence, although some incredible realizations are bound to occur. But mainly it does what it is supposed to do. It props up a being on a certain level of existence, cutting off the lower possible layers, creating a certainty that you wouldn't get any worse. You know you'll just go up from that point on, a great place to start one's journey to OT. That in itself is priceless.

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I did my ARC SW in Co-Auditing in 1997 while on my auditor training at Flag.
It was a really great, easy to do action with a lot of spiritual gains for me and my twin. We had so much FUN and BIG GAINS on this co-audit level that most of our sessions have been short, ending quite often just minutes after we started the session with a lot of laughter and free theta and space.

The End Result has been also very permanent and stable for me as a being: “Knows he or she won't get any worse” and helped me a many times on some challenging times.

This is one of those funny and easy auditing levels, which first looks very unimpressive, but gives you a lot of yourself back into your hands.

Thanks a lot to Flag and the Co-Auditing team there for the great support.
Overall rating 
Applicability (hits home) 
Wow factor 
Reviewed by iflytrike November 17, 2012
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (2)

ARC-SW in Co-Auditing

I did my ARC SW in Co-Auditing in 1997 while on my auditor training at Flag.
It was a really great, easy to do action with a lot of spiritual gains for me and my twin. We had so much FUN and BIG GAINS on this co-audit level that most of our sessions have been short, ending quite often just minutes after we started the session with a lot of laughter and free theta and space.

The End Result has been also very permanent and stable for me as a being: “Knows he or she won't get any worse” and helped me a many times on some challenging times.

This is one of those funny and easy auditing levels, which first looks very unimpressive, but gives you a lot of yourself back into your hands.

Thanks a lot to Flag and the Co-Auditing team there for the great support.

Where I stand

I am a...
Independent Scientologist

Pros and Cons (optional)

- very easy to do
- gives you very fast and great remarkable results and wins
- very easy to Co-Audit
- It is at the beginning of the Bridge and is the perfect gradient for you as a PC, Auditor or your Co-Auditing journey
- I loved it and enjoyed it VERY VERY MUCH

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As an auditor, this is one of the easiest levels to deliver. A joy for the auditor and the PC.
Overall rating 
Applicability (hits home) 
Wow factor 
Reviewed by LDW November 12, 2012
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (10)

A new beginning

As an auditor, this is one of the easiest levels to deliver. A joy for the auditor and the PC.

Where I stand

I am a...
Independent Scientologist

Pros and Cons (optional)

The Purification Rundown hadn't been invented when I did my ARC Straightwire. I can still remember laying in bed one night, and having the concept that I had been given a new lease on life. That I could move forward. That I was only going "UP" from here.
When I was shown the expected End Result "Knows he or she won't get any worse," I thought...yea, that's it, I'm only going to get better.
Deterioration, spiritually and mentally was over.

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This was pretty much my first auditing service, way back in 1973 at Saint Hill. There sure was a "wow" factor, in that while running Self Analysis I seemed to go whole track for the first time. Now, whether I actually did or not is another question, but at the time it seemed pretty real and I was pretty excited about it, in terms of getting a personal "confirmation" on being immortal.

As a series of auditing actions it is very basic and relatively easy for a beginning auditor to do.
Overall rating 
Applicability (hits home) 
Wow factor 
Reviewed by Paul Adams November 11, 2012
#1 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (47)

The first of the "grades"

This was pretty much my first auditing service, way back in 1973 at Saint Hill. There sure was a "wow" factor, in that while running Self Analysis I seemed to go whole track for the first time. Now, whether I actually did or not is another question, but at the time it seemed pretty real and I was pretty excited about it, in terms of getting a personal "confirmation" on being immortal.

As a series of auditing actions it is very basic and relatively easy for a beginning auditor to do.

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Pros and Cons (optional)

Relatively easy to run, both for an auditor and as a pc.

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This is a fun step and even poorly done gives great results.
Overall rating 
Applicability (hits home) 
Wow factor 
Reviewed by thetaone November 11, 2012
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (2)

ARC -> Understanding

This is a fun step and even poorly done gives great results.

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Pros and Cons (optional)

The world around one can seem to be a dangerous place. This processing for me I would best describe as similar to the "Claritin Clear" ads that run everywhere. At first the world is a bit gray. You don't realize this at first. It looks normal to you. Then gradually and occasionally more rapidly layers of gray peal away and the world gets brighter and brighter. You begin to have affinity - liking, communication and reality around and within youself which leads to increased understanding. The end result is you feel things are not going to get any worse. You have finally broken out of the downward spiral. I felt an incredible resurgence and I was much happier with myself and everything around me.
Prior to this step I had completed the Purification Rundown and had co-audited the TRs and Objectives course. To "speed" my progress I was pushed to receive this service from a "professional" auditor in the CO$ rather than co-audit. Of course this cost a lot more and I now strongly feel was not recommended in my best interest but as a money grab. I was a little surprised that nearly all of this level is taken directly from the Self Analysis book. Unfortunately my auditor was not very polished and would even dope off ( a fancy Scientology way of saying fall asleep ) during the processing. Looking back, I wish I would have co-audited this step.

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I loved this step! I could feel my ability to recall more and more details of early memories increase through this course. I felt better about my past and, in turn, MUCH better about my future. A very happy place indeed.
Overall rating 
Applicability (hits home) 
Wow factor 
Reviewed by 2briancox November 10, 2012
Top 50 Reviewer  -   View all my reviews (8)

I loved this step!

I loved this step! I could feel my ability to recall more and more details of early memories increase through this course. I felt better about my past and, in turn, MUCH better about my future. A very happy place indeed.

Where I stand

I am a...
Independent Scientologist

Pros and Cons (optional)

Left me with a VERY positive feeling toward life.
Um ... I don't know. It requires an auditor?

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